Photoacoustic Imaging

Photoacoustic imaging is a novel hybrid imaging modality which combines optical contrast with the resolution of ultrasound imaging. By illuminating an optically absorptive object with nanosecond laser pulses, short ultrasound pulses can be produced and used to reconstruct images related to the structure, molecular information or functional information of the biological targets.
Particularly, we have been focused on the functional imaging of the brain in different animal models. The outcome will allow us to understand how the brain responds to the different stimulations and injuries. We have established a research team with collaborator from University of Kansas Medical Center (KUMC) and University of Michigan and with strong support from National Institutes of Health.
- Jo, J. Zhang, H., Cheney, P.D., Yang, X., “Photoacoustic detection of functional responses in the motor cortex of awake behaving monkey during forelimb movement.” Journal of Biomedical Optics, Vol. 17, 110503 (2012). PMCID: PMC3477655.
- Jo, J. and Yang, X., “Functional photoacoustic imaging to observe regional brain activation induced by cocaine hydrochloride,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, Vol. 16, 090505 (2011). PMCID: PMC3189975.
- Jo, J. and Yang, X., “Detection of cocaine induced rat brain activation by photoacoustic tomography,” Journal of Neuroscience Methods, Vol. 195, 232-235 (2011). PMCID: PMC3026864