Recent Publications from IBER Researchers were Selected for Journal Covers

Ge, X., Q. Ye, L. Song, A. Misra, and P. Spencer. “Visible-light Initiated Free-Radical/Cationic Ring-Opening Hybrid Photopolymerization of Methacrylate/Epoxy: Polymerization Kinetics, Crosslinking Structure and Dynamic Mechanical Properties.” Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 216(8):856-872, 2015. (This work is featured on the cover of the journal.)

Ye Q, Spencer P, Yuca E, Tamerler C. Engineered Peptide Repairs Defective Adhesive-Dentin Interface. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering. 302:1600487, 2017, DOI: 10.1002/mame.201600487 (This work is featured on the cover of the journal.)

Xie SX, Song L, Yuca E, Boone K, Sarikaya R, VanOosten SK, Misra A, Ye Q, Spencer P, Tamerler C. Antimicrobial peptide-polymer conjugates for dentistry. ACS Appl Polymer Materials. 2(3): 1134-1144, March 13, 2020 (This work is featured on the cover)