Prestigious Awards

International Research Center on
Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Anil Misra has been awarded the inaugural "The Eugenio Beltrami Senior Scientist Prize" of the International Research Center for mathematics & Mechanics of Complex systems (M&MoCS).
Eugenio Beltrami (1835-1900) was a highly influential 19th century Italian Mathematician who made lasting contribution to the field of Mathematical Physics and Continuum Mechanics and whose equations of linear elasticity allowed for major advancements in Engineering Sciences. The award has been instituted to recognize senior scientist in Engineering Sciences, whose contributions follow the spirit of Beltrami scientific thought.
Dear Dr. Spencer,
On behalf of the Society for Biomaterials it is my pleasure to inform you that you have been selected to receive the 2019 Clemson Award for Basic Research for the Society of Biomaterials. This prestigious award is specifically given for "contributions to the basic knowledge and understanding of the interaction of materials with tissue." Your nomination for this award was received from Qiang "Charles" Ye, PhD.
As the recipient of the Society For Biomaterials 2019 Clemson Award for Applied Research you will receive a $1,000 award from the Society For Biomaterials on behalf of Clemson University. You will also receive up to $500 travel expense reimbursement towards the 2019 Society For Biomaterials Annual Meeting being held April 3 - 6, 2019 in Seattle, WA and up to a four night hotel stay at the annual meeting hotel. The SFB staff will contact you shortly with further details about your award.
Please feel free to contact Pam Gleason with any questions or concerns. Congratulations for being chosen to receive this outstanding honor from the Society For Biomaterials!
Thomas J. Webster, PhD
Society For Biomaterials
Awards, Ceremonies & Nominations Chair