Masoud Darabi

- Associate Professor
Contact Info
Office Phone:
Department Phone:
Learned Hall, room #2160F
Biography —
Masoud Darabi is an assistant professor at the University of Kansas. Prior to joining KU, he served as a research scientist and a postdoctoral scholar at Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI). He holds a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering-Materials, a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering-Structures, a M.S. in Mechanics of Solids and Structures, and a B.S. in Civil Engineering. Masoud Darabi's research effort is aimed at design of self-healing fatigue-resistant materials and durable infrastructures through cutting-edge technologies in computational mechanics and material science. Within this theme, his current research efforts involve: (1) modeling multi-physics phenomena at multiple length and time scales to better understand the mechanisms that control damage and failure of materials, (2) development of FE software for design of engineering materials and structures, and (3) advancement of methods that make such studies possible. Masoud Darabi is the co-author of more than 30 peer-reviewed journal papers and several reports. He has presented his research accomplishments in more than 15 national and international conferences and received awards from different agencies, such as NSF (National Science Foundation), SES (Society of Engineering Science), and EMI (Engineering Mechanics Institute).
Education —
B.S. in Civil Engineering
M.S. in Mechanics of Structure and Materials, Sharif University of Technology, 2005
Ph.D. in Structures, Amirkabir University of Technology, 2008
Ph.D. in Materials, Texas A&M University, 2011
Research —
Multi-physics modeling
Simulate multi-physics phenomena involving chemical kinetics (e.g. oxidative aging), fluid flow (e.g. moisture damage and pore water pressure effects), and mechanical effects (e.g. visco-elasticity, visco-plasticity, damage, and micro-damage healing)
Multi-scale modeling of infrastructures
Model the initiation and evolution of distresses through the infrastructure at multiple scales. Can be used for more sustainable design of infrastructures (e.g asphalt and cement-based concrete pavements, bridges, and polymer-based components).
Micro-mechanical simulations, which can be used in conducting virtual testing and design of sustainable infrastructure materials.
Molecular dynamic method, which can be used to investigate the response of materials at nano-scale and bridge these responses at different length scales.
Research interests:
- Constitutive relationships, Asphalt concrete pavements, multi-physics modeling
- multi-scale modeling of infrastructures
- micro-mechanical simulations
- molecular dynamic method