
The instrumentation within the Institute for Bioengineering Research is used for both research and teaching. The following instruments are included at the Institute for Bioengineering Research and are located in Learned Hall. To inquire about training and instrument use at the Institute for Bioengineering Research Laboratories, please complete the IBER Request Form. A completed IBER Request Form must be on file for anyone working in the laboratories. For more information contact: 

Qiang (Charles) Ye, Ph.D.

Director, Institute for Bioengineering Research Laboratories

Office: Learned Hall 5101E

Phone: 785-864-1746

E-mail: yeq@ku.edu

Perkin Elmer Spectrum 400 FTIR Spectrometer

Perkin Elmer Spectrum 400 FTIR SpectrometerPerkin Elmer Spectrum 400 spectrometer are equipped with two temperature stabilized fast-recovery deuterated triglycine sulphate detectors (one optimized for Mid-IR and one optimized for NIR) and Pike Heated Diamond GladiATR accessory.

Perkin Elmer Spotlight 400 FTIR Microscope (connected to Spectrum 400)

Perkin Elmer Spotlight 400 FTIR Microscope (connected to Spectrum 400)Perkin Elmer Spotlight 400 FTIR chemical imaging system and microscope are built into the same system with patented Duet detector containing NBMCT array detector and MBMCT detector in the same dewar, on the same substrate. Transmission, reflectance and ATR imaging mode could be carried out using the array detector with pixel resolution at 1.56 micron.

Perkin Elmer Frontier FTIR Spectrometer

Perkin Elmer Frontier FTIR SpectrometerA range of patented PerkinElmer technologies enable the Frontier to produce superior infrared spectra. Atmospheric Vapor Compensation™ (AVC) features an advanced digital filtering algorithm designed to eliminate CO2 and H2O interferences for accurate FT-IR results. The fifth generation Dynascan™ fixed mirror-pair interferometer requires no dynamic alignment to compensate for errors in linear mirror movement. PerkinElmer’s AVI Standardization™ calibrates spectrometer wavelength scales to a higher accuracy than achieved with conventional calibration methods. Recent upgrade with a fast scanning module provides capability to obtain vibrational spectra with high quality and at the same time monitor in-situ reaction for kinetics studies. The data can be collected with over 100 spectra per second and analyzed with Spectrum™ Timebase software. Timebase allows you to view the profile of a changing reaction over long periods of time with respect to the absorbance. The three-dimensional data (absorbance, wavenumber and time) can be converted into a 2-dimensional profile which gives an overview of the changes over the entire reaction. The upgrade system opens the door to additional applications that would utilize this fast scanning capability for qualitative and quantitative analyses at the molecular level.

Horiba Jobin Yvon LabRam ARAMIS Micro-Raman Microscope

Horiba Jobin Yvon LabRam ARAMIS Micro-Raman MicroscopeHoriba Jobin Yvon LabRam ARAMIS – an integrated fully automated confocal Raman imaging system equipped with 2 sources of internal laser excitation (HeNe: 632.8nm Diode: 785nm), a full range of objectives (dry lens 10x, 20x, 50x, 100x; long-working distance lens 20x, 50x, water immersion lens 60x and 100x), polarization analyzer and a computer-controlled heating/cooling stage (temperature range -196°C to 600°C).

Thermo Evolution 600 UV/Visible Spectrophotometer

Thermo Evolution 600 UV/Visible SpectrophotometerThermo Evolution 600 UV/Vis-Spectrophotometer includes dual deuterium and tungsten sources, a high-performance photomultiplier detector, a Smart Peltier Cell Holder, a DRA Powder Cell Holder and a DRA-EV-600 Diffuse Reflectance Accessory with Double Beam 75 mm Integrating Sphere uesd for diffuse transmittance measurements of translucent, scattering or transparent solids, liquids, suspensions and solutions. Software include Visionlife PC for life science data collection and analysis software for kinetics and DNA/protein Melting assays, and GRAMS/AI 8.0 for comprehensive processing, visualization and reporting of data imported from data collection PC software.

Perkin Elmer Clarus 600 Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry (GCMS)

Perkin Elmer Clarus 600 Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry (GCMS)Perkin Elmer Clarus® 600 Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GCMS) - one of the fastest quadrupole mass spectrometer available, acquiring spectra up to 65 scans/second and 12,500 amu/sec across a GC peak. It features wide mass range (1-1200 u) and best-in-class detection limits available. TurboMass GC/MS software supports easy-of-use from data collection to evaluation and reporting, with assistance of NIST 2008 mass spectral library and software. The system provides a data transmission link from our PYRIS 1 Thermogravimetric Analyzer (e.g., TGA triggers data collection by GCMS or MS). Simultaneous TG/MS or TG-GC/MS analysis could distinguish very complex decomposition of our samples. Maximum oven heating rate could be at 140°C/min and the oven could cool down from 450°C to 50°C within 2 minutes.